Tag Archives: browser

Accept Cookies, AND 2013 Fair, FACT Liverpool, Oct 2013

AND 2013, Fair:
Sat 05 Oct 2013 FACT / Public Spaces / 11:00 – 18:00 / Free, drop by

accept cookies stall

Web cookies and browser fingerprints are used by companies to track the web pages you visit and build up detailed profiles of your tastes and habits. Users often have to accept cookies from online strangers before accessing each new web site, but it’s easy to forget about these digital traces.

Ben Dalton wants to give AND Fair-goers a unique tracking cookie too, but his are edible. Take your laptop or phone along to generate a personal cookie, eat it or keep it, and have a discussion about the information that browser fingerprint characteristics give away about you and your online activity.

the AND Fair is inspired by the World’s Fairs of old, where inventors could showcase new inventions and discoveries such as moving images, electricity or the fluorescent light bulb.

Toying with optical illusions, flying machines, biological probes and computer algorithms, the Fair is a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with projects that bring emerging and primitive forms of technology together in unexpected fashions.

Exhibitors at the fair will include some of AND’s favourite artists and former collaborators together with a number of inspiring, emerging practitioners who responded to our recent open call.

Abandon Normal Devices 2013

keyword quick search bar shortcuts

You know that numb sensation you get when you are somewhere away from the internet, and you can no longer just find out the things you would normally have at your finger tips? You may not, perhaps this is an indication of just how much of my time is mediated by the web (I’m not an addict … but I do keep some extra internet hidden down the back of the sofa for emergencies).

Anyway, I have a similar sensation when using someone else’s web browser – my senses feel dulled, my reaction time slowed by the subtle differences in a web interface that I am unfamiliar with. One thing in particular I miss when away from my own browser are Firefox’s keyword quicksearches.

My most used are ? for wikipedia, here for searching the website I’m currently viewing, map to see where things are on a map, img & vid for google image and video searches, and various searches for my flickr, delicious and friendfeed accounts to help me recall things I’ve seen.

Keyword: ?
Location: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s

Keyword: ??
Location: http://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%s

Keyword: here
Location: javascript:void(location.href='http://www.google.co.uk/search?&q=site:'+location.href.split(%22/%22)[2]+'+%s&sourceid=firefox')

Keyword: map
Location: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=%s

Keyword: img
Location: http://images.google.com/images?q=%s

Keyword: vid
Location: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=%s

Keyword: flickr
Location: http://www.flickr.com/search/?ss=2&w=17306001%40N00&q=%s&m=text
(you’ll need to look up your own id to use here)

Keyword: del
Location: http://delicious.com/search?p=%s&chk=&fr=del_icio_us&lc=1&atags=&rtags=&context=userposts|noii|

Keyword: ff
Location: http://friendfeed.com/search?required=q&q=%s&friends=noii
(since selling themselves to facebook, friendfeed’s search has been super slow and shitty)

A few others:

Keyword: last
Location: http://www.last.fm/search?q=%s&type=all

Keyword: hype
Location: http://hypem.com/search.php?q=%s

Keyword: whois
Location: http://www.domaintools.com/go/?service=whois&q=%s

Keyword: sch
Location: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%s

Keyword: boing
Location: http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&domains=boingboing.net&sitesearch=boingboing.net

Finally, for some sites like the movie database, you’ll need to go and right-click in their search box by hand to generate the correct keyword search.